Graph attention convolution for point cloud semantic segmentation

Posted by Packy on November 26, 2019

2019_CVPR_Graph Attention Convolution for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

主要问题: 细粒度的点云分割如何避免特征污染

难点: 如何为点云数据建立一种注意力机制,让点只关注于与其语义标签一致的其他邻域点。

方法: 提出了GAC网络, 去学习一个函数g :img









self.a = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(size=(all_channel, feature_dim)))

grouped_feature: sampled points feature [B, npoint, nsample, D]

attention = F.softmax(e, dim=2) # [B, npoint, nsample,D]

graph_pooling = torch.sum(torch.mul(attention, grouped_feature),dim = 2) # [B, npoint, D]


![To this end, we construct a sharing attention mechanism a : IR3+F IRK to focus on the most relevant part of the neighbors for feature learning, so that the convolution ker- nel of GAC can dynamically adapt to the structure of the objects. Specifically, the attentional weight of each neigh- boring vertex is computed as follows: äij = a(APij, e N (i) (1) äij,l, äij,2, e IRK indicates the at- where m - — tentional weight vector of vertex j to vertex i. Api — pj — pi,andAhij - Mg(hj) is a feature mapping function applied on each vertex, i.e., Mg is a multilayer perceptron. The first term of a indicates the spatial relations of the neighboring vertices, which helps to span the unordered neighbors to meaningful surface. The second term measures the feature difference between vertex pairs, which guides us to assign more attention to the sim- ilar neighbors. The sharing attention mechanism cy can be implemented with any differentiable architecture, we use a multilayer perceptron in this work (as shown in Figure 2), which can be formulated as follows: a(APij, Ahij) - where Il is the concatenation operation, Ma applied multilayer perceptron. (2) indicates the

Graph construction on a point cloud.