
Posted by Packy on November 1, 2019

Hololens 开发环境的配置


在此之前,需要到Bios 或者 uefi中开始vt 以及 虚拟化支持


打开 控制面板 -> 程序 -> 程序和功能 -> 打开和关闭系统功能 ,勾选 Hyper-V



U3d 下载 windowsMR 插件

Packages  Advan  OWindows Mixed Reality  Last update 13:20  o  2  Windows Mixed  Reality  Version 1.0.12  Vien documentation -Vien changelog  com unity xr. windowsmr. metro  Author: unity Technologies Inc.  Vien licenses  Windows Mixed Reality XR SDK for use with native XR  integration in unity.

在USB或者WIFI链接Hololens的情况下,在浏览器网址栏输入http://访问设备控制台,输入账号密码登陆之后点击左边栏的Apps按钮进入App界面,选择下方的Install app-App package下的Choose File按钮,选择你打包出来的Appx程序


版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「梧桐Mormon」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 by-sa版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。



win10 里使用 socket需要用 Windows.Networking下的类库实现,我们如果直接在Unity C# 脚本里 using Windows.Networking是不可以的,Unity编辑器在编译的时候是不能通过的。Windows.Networking 这是属于 WinRT API,只有在VS里才能被编译。

所以,如果要在Unity开发HoloLens程序使用 WinRT API 需要用 #if WINDOWS_UWP …… #endif 对相应的代码进行包裹,这样在Unity里就不会报错,build后再VS里再编译打包


Windows SDK version: 10.0.18362.0  Scripting Backend  Build Configuration  Build Platform  Auto Increment  Version Number

原来选的是.net 来进行backend,然后socket库没办法编译成功,api无法编译到UWP平台


Platform  PC, Mac & Linux Standalone  Android  universal Windows Platform  'tv tvos  XBox One  —s a PS4  WebGL  Facebook  universal Windows Platform  Target Device  Architecture  Build Type  Target SDK Version  Minimum Platform Version  Visual Studio Version  Build and Run on  Build configuration  Copy References  Debugging  unity C# Projects  Development Build  Autoconnect Profiler  Script Debugging  Scripts Only Build  Compression Method  0.0.18362.0  Ocal Machine  Learn about unity Cloud Build  ayer  Ing


Input Source  Capabilities  mEnterpriseAuthentication  V InternetCIient  V InternetCIientServer  VMusicLibrary  mpicturesLibrary  VPrivateNetnorkCIientServer  mRemovabIeStorage  msharedl_lserceftificates  m VideosLibrary  m Webcam

这样好像可以使用unity自带的socket 库

IL2CPP 变成CPP文件编译


来自 http://mshololens.cn/d/124/2

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections;

using System;



using System.Net;

using System.Net.Sockets;



using System.Text;

using System.Threading;

using System.IO;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UDP_1: MonoBehaviour



  public string ipAdress = "";

  public int port = 6000;

  public string serveripAdress = "";

  public int server_port = 6000;

  IPEndPoint iep_Recieve;

  EndPoint ep;


  private byte[] data = new byte[1024];

  private Socket clientSocket;

  private Thread receiveT;

  private bool IsThreading = false;

  public static bool server_is_connected = false;

  public static GameObject UDP_Data_Game_OBJ;

  private string UDP_show_content = "did not connect";

  // 协议内容



  //const int float_num = 5;

  //const int DataSize = 4* float_num; //两个float 4*2

  //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]

  //public struct info_msg


  //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]

  //  public byte[] packages_head;

  //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = DataSize)]

  //  public float[] packages_data;

  //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]

  //  public byte[] packages_end;


  //info_msg info_msg_tmp;



  //public byte[] packages_head_check = { 0XFF, 0XFE };

  //public byte[] packages_end_check = { 0XBE, 0XEF, 0X00 };


  //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]

  //public struct BallisticStruct


  //  public int BallX;         /* -50000.0-50000.0 0.1*/

  //  public int BallY;         /* -50000.0-50000.0 0.1*/

  //  public int BallZ;         /* -50000.0-50000.0 0.1*/

  //  public short BallVX;          /* -400.0 - 400.0  0.1*/

  //  public short BallVY;          /* -400.0 - 400.0  0.1*/

  //  public short BallVZ;                    /* -400.0 - 400.0  0.1*/


  //const int BallisticStructSize = (4 * 3 + 2 * 3) * 10;



  //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]

  //public struct Send23D


  //  public short identifier;        /* 0A14H */

  //  public short length;          /* 50  */

  //  public int sendID;         /* 0AH  */

  //  public int readID;         /* 14H */

  //  public uint sendTime;       /* 0~4294967295 */

  //  public short TargetType;        /* 0 战斗机 1 直升机2 无人机3 制导炸弹 */

  //  public short TargetAzimuth;      /* -180.0 - 180.0 180/2^15 */

  //  public short TargetAltitude;      /* -10.0 - 90.0 180/2^15 */

  //  public int TargetDistance;     /* 0 - 50000.0 0.1*/

  //  public int TargetRealX;      /* -50000.0-50000.0 0.1 */

  //  public int TargetRealY;

  //  public int TargetRealZ;

  //  public short CarVelocity;     /* 0-120.0 0.1 */

  //  public short CarCw;          /* 0-360 180/2^15 */

  //  public short CarPhi;          /* -45 - 45 180/2^15*/

  //  public short CarTheta;       /* -45 - 45 180/2^15*/

  //  public short JAzimuth;       /* -180.0 - 180.0 180/2^15*/

  //  public short JAltitude;        /* -10.0 - 90.0 180/2^15*/

  //  public short JAzimuthVelocity;   /* -90.0 - 90.0 180/2^15*/

  //  public short JAltitudeVelocity;    /* -90.0 - 90.0 180/2^15*/

  //  public short ShootStatus;

  //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = BallisticStructSize)]

  //  public BallisticStruct[] ballisticstruct;    /*保存10个弹丸的位置等信息*/

  //  //冗余20字节信息

  //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]

  //  public byte[] RemainInfo;




  //Send23D BattleInfo_Recv;

  //// 用于其他脚本之间共享数据

  //public static Send23D BattleInfo_Share;


  //// 用于其他脚本之间共享数据

  //public static info_msg fire_msg;


  //// Bytes 与 Struct 相互转换

  //protected T Bytes2Struct<T>(byte[] bytes)


  //  IntPtr arrPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(bytes, 0);

  //  return (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(arrPtr, typeof(T));


  //protected byte[] Struct2Bytes<T>(T obj)


  //  int size = Marshal.SizeOf(obj);

  //  byte[] bytes = new byte[size];

  //  IntPtr arrPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(bytes, 0);

  //  Marshal.StructureToPtr(obj, arrPtr, true);

  //  return bytes;




  //bool check_packages(info_msg msg)


  //  if (BitConverter.ToString(packages_head_check) == BitConverter.ToString(msg.packages_head)

  //            && BitConverter.ToString(packages_end_check) == BitConverter.ToString(msg.packages_end))

  //    return true;

  //  else return false;





  private void Awake()


    //byte[] buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(new Send23D())];


    //BattleInfo_Recv = Bytes2Struct<Send23D>(buffer);

    //BattleInfo_Share = Bytes2Struct<Send23D>(buffer);


    //info_msg_tmp = Bytes2Struct<info_msg>(buffer);

    //fire_msg = Bytes2Struct<info_msg>(buffer);





  void Start()




    IsThreading = true;



  private void Update()



    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))


      SendMes(" client send msg to server ");


    Text text_content;

    text_content = GameObject.Find("UDP_Data").GetComponent<Text>();

    text_content.text = UDP_show_content;




  void Init_Udp_Clint()




      clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

      IPEndPoint local_Recieve = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAdress), port);


      iep_Recieve = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serveripAdress), server_port);

      ep = (EndPoint)iep_Recieve;



      receiveT = new Thread(ReceiveMsg);


      Debug.Log("Success 初始化Udp接受线程 成功");



    catch (System.Exception ex)


      Debug.Log("ERROR 初始化Udp接受线程 失败 ");





  private void ReceiveMsg()


    while (true)




      // 接收数据

      int intReceiveLength = clientSocket.ReceiveFrom(data, ref ep);


      //info_msg_tmp = Bytes2Struct<info_msg>(data);

      //if (check_packages(info_msg_tmp))


      //  server_is_connected = true;

      //  fire_msg = info_msg_tmp;

      //  //Debug.Log("package check successfully");

      //  //Debug.Log("package head: " + BitConverter.ToString(fire_msg.packages_head));

      //  //Debug.Log("package data: " + fire_msg.packages_data[0]);

      //  //Debug.Log("package data: " + fire_msg.packages_data[1]);

      //  //Debug.Log("packages end: " + BitConverter.ToString(fire_msg.packages_end)); 



      //BattleInfo_Recv = Bytes2Struct<Send23D>(data);


      //if (BattleInfo_Recv.identifier == 0xa14)


      //  // 如果检验成功,则将收到的信息发布到各个驱动模块

      //  BattleInfo_Share = BattleInfo_Recv;


      //  server_is_connected = true;

      //  //print("battle info get");

      //  //print("intReceiveLength:" + BattleInfo_Recv.length);

      //  // print("from: " + BattleInfo_Recv.sendID);

      //  // print("recv: " + BattleInfo_Recv.readID);

      //  //for (int i = 0; i < intReceiveLength; ++i)

      //  //{

      //  //  print(i + " " + data[i]);

      //  //}




        //for (int i = 0; i < intReceiveLength; ++i)


        //  print(i + " " + data[i]);



        //Debug.Log("raw:" + BattleInfo_Recv.identifier);

        string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length);

        Debug.Log("client received : " + str);

        UDP_show_content = str;









  void SendMes(string ms)


    byte[] data = new byte[1024];

    data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ms);

    //IPEndPoint iep_Recieve = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serveripAdress), server_port);

    //EndPoint temsendIP = (EndPoint)iep_Recieve;

    clientSocket.SendTo(data, ep);




  //void AllSendStruct(object obj)


  //  //IPEndPoint iep_send = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serveripAdress), server_port);

  //  //EndPoint temsendIP = (EndPoint)iep_send;

  //  data = Struct2Bytes<object>(obj);

  //  clientSocket.SendTo(data, ep);



  void OnDestroy()




      if (receiveT != null)





        if (clientSocket != null)







        server_is_connected = false;




    catch (Exception ex)






